Mallory Rader graduated from Youngstown State University in 2019, where she served as Head Editor of Jenny magazine and was awarded the Hare Writing Award for Fiction, the Hare Writing Award for Poetry, the Etruscan Prize for Poetry, and Outstanding Senior in Creative Writing. While she enjoys writing fiction, poetry is something that comes naturally to her. She has been published in West Trade Review, The Bookends Review, Gordon Square Review, Red Ogre Review, and others. She’s not quite sure if the world is real or if we’re all Sims characters.
Tom Franken is Assistant Editor of Volney Road Review with a particular interest in poetry. He is a graduate of Youngstown State University, where he majored in Communication Studies and minored in Creative Writing. His work has been featured in Jenny, The Oddville Press, Magnolia Review, and others. He hopes to one day write something as beautiful as the song Africa by Toto.
Anne Vallas deleted her Photoshop files before the official digital magazine and website launch, so she will update her bio later. Just know: Anne has two degrees—both “of arts”—both in English, and considers her life unintentional—yet striking—performance art, including her most popular works: woman falls asleep with Clorox wipe in her mouth after sedating herself with Benadryl while trying to self-operate and remove bump from biting her lip, woman drops her single key down the only sewage pipe in an (, and while trespassing on,) abandoned baseball stadium and needs to sift through rodent fecal matter to retrieve it, and—most notably—woman confronts “strangers” at the Belmont Walmart to let them know that “she knows” they are involved in the Belmont Goodwill conspiracy.