Eve #2

for Eve West Bessier

Eve was the color that surprised Him
after the Mississippi red dirt &
debris of Adam,
after the aggressive void of indigo
to ephemeral foam of ocean,
the azure, forever & ever, dome of sky.

Eve, all phoenix fire-red &
golden immolation. God sees her
approaching, scintillating in his eye-edge,
a feral gold speck getting bigger. She
approaches the one who deferred her
to subservience. She reeks of an affinity
for disobedience, the daylight risen
from the mutiny of Lilith—
her willfulness,
the first person of rebelliousness

/ : My apple . . . because I want it!!

henry 7. reneau, jr. does not Twitter, Tik Tok, Facebook, Snapchat, or Instagram. It is not that he is scared of change, or stuck fast in the past; instead, he has learned from experience that the crack pipe kills. His work is published in Superstition Review, TriQuarterly, Poets Reading the News, Prairie Schooner, Zone 3 and Rigorous. His work has also been nominated multiple times for the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net.