Salvador Dalí's Ocelot in New York

One day, Babou got bored and decided to wander around New York. It watched the cabs speed around on bee juice while the blue sky bulldozed any trace of cloud. Ate pizza floppy like a Dalí clock. The Statue of Liberty gave Babou a kiss and it became as timid as a kitten for a moment. Admired the skyscrapers stomping like elephants in New Yorkers' daydreams. Paused to admire a heron sleek like the Chrysler Building in Central Park. Everything became as delicate as an egg and the ocelot appreciated the need to be free of a leash, whether they were visible or not.

D A Angelo is a UK-based poet with work in Autumn Sky Poetry Daily, Sage Cigarettes, Flights of the Dragonfly, Impspired, The Amazine and Petrichor Mag. New work is forthcoming in A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Moss Puppy, SurVision and Skipping Stone Review.