Okay, I’ll Go

I tried to show you
that a box isn’t a box, it’s
the whole damn earth
and your house is just
one little summertime, tan line
freckle upon its chubby tummy.
Nowadays, fifteen minutes
and an open mind
can get you across a sea
of Swedish Fish, or
at least get you a pack of ‘em
from a place that
tingles like home.
Mountains aren’t that far and
neither is ambition, you know.
But if you’re hell bent on
dying somewhere
within a Pinocchio’s Pizza
piece of cardboard
with someone
whose never known anywhere
but there
and how to conjure up a
grease stain or two:
have at it.

Callie Crouch is a graduate student at Saint Joseph's University pursuing a Master's degree in Writing Studies and former Editor-in-Chief of the university's literary magazine, the Crimson and Gray. Her work appears or is upcoming in 14 journals and anthologies, including Coffin Bell, Roanoke Review, Pinky Thinker Press, and Hive Avenue Literary Journal. Callie lives and writes in Philadelphia.